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The Best Bite of Ice Cream

ice cream

Which is the Best Bite of Ice Cream?

Depending on the flavor you get, the bites can vary slightly, but they’ll all share characteristics.  You might have one bite that is a better ratio of cookie dough to chocolate, and you might have a bite that’s all ice cream with no extra flavor at all.

Is the best bite a random bite somewhere in the middle of all that sugary chaos?  Is it the very first bite of a brand new, untouched carton?

The law of diminishing returns would say it’s the first bite because each subsequent bite brings less and less satisfaction.  This might be true if you were to eat the entire carton at once.  More evidence in favor of the first bite is the euphoric feeling you get knowing you have the entire carton left.  You’re not even close to running out.

The first bite is good, but it’s not the best.  

The best bite of ice cream is the last bite.

The last bite is the best bite because it’s the only bite you’re entirely present for.  In every other bite of ice cream your mind is focused on the next bite before you’ve even transferred the current bite from spoon to mouth.

On the last bite you fully take in the ice cream for the first time.  There is no additional bite to look forward to so all your senses are appreciating that last bite.

The shame is the last bite is comprised mostly of melted chunks and broken remnants of the real thing.  No one gets a full, hearty spoonful on the last bite.

Which is the Best Day of Life?

Unlike the last ice cream bite, we never know when our last day of life will be.  If we could rid ourselves of the overwhelming angst of dying, our last day of life would be the best day.  We’d really, REALLY appreciate each moment.

We’d notice subtleties about the air around us or the flavor of our coffee.  We wouldn’t worry about how much a meal cost and we wouldn’t scarf it down.  Almost nothing we’d do would be on auto-pilot because almost every activity would be the last of its kind.  The last time I’ll wake up.  The last time I’ll shower.  The last time I’ll say good morning to my wife.

Each interaction with friends and family would be dripping with meaning as we’d know it was the last time we’d ever get to speak with them.

Enjoying the Last Bite Every Time

Our last days on earth are generally not our best physically.  If we’re lucky enough to make it to old age, our body is very likely comprised of melted chunks and broken remnants of the real thing.  As we get older, we’re increasingly aware that we’re nearing the bottom of the carton.

If we could learn to be present in the moment, we could reap the reward of getting maximum enjoyment while the ice cream is still solid and in big chunks.  We wouldn’t have to wait for the last bite to finally taste it.

If we can learn to be present, to slow down, we can climb the mountain for the last time every time.  We can feel the rush of the wind through our fingertips and notice the way the tree branches sway in the breeze.

If today were your last day you wouldn’t go out and blow money gratuitously. What would be the point?  Instead, you’d slow down and take in every minute.  Your mind would be on the present moment because there’d be no point in worrying about what’s going to happen tomorrow, next week, next year.

The only thing stopping us from doing that now is our hurry to get to the next bite.

When we finally figure out the meaning of life, we’re often too old to do anything about it.  If I could go back, I wouldn’t stress out about work so much, but I WOULD go climb that mountain.  I wouldn’t be so hard on myself.  We often don’t appreciate our parents until they’re gone, or our body until it no longer functions at its best.

We might go our whole lives not ever tasting the ice cream, only to find we’re on the last bite.

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