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Welcome to Burrito Bowl Diaries

Hey friends, welcome to our blog Burrito Bowl Diaries!   Burrito Bowl Diaries is a series of blog posts by a young, humble, hot couple pursuing financial independence through frugality, investing in low-cost index funds and eating lots, and lots of burrito bowls.

This blog has not been featured in Men’s Health, The New York Times, The Herald, and the Whitefish Pilot just to name a few.

We have been featured in Rockstar Finance, which is no Whitefish Pilot, but we’ll take it.  We even got this cool badge to prove it.  See? Truth be told you can just copy and paste that badge but we really were featured.  Honest.


Who are you people and can you sell us anything?

Burrito Bowl Diaries is comprised of myself, my name is David, my wife Jill, and as of December, 2018, Baby Burrito Bowl, her name is June.  We might decide to start calling ourselves Mr. and Mrs. Burrito Bowl and Baby Burrito Bowl at some point so don’t get too attached to our first names.

Here we are with a baby that we made. 
Also, this is us! See how trustworthy we look?

Mrs. Burrito Bowl (see it’s happening already) is a nurse in Portland, Oregon.  Until April 2019, she’ll be nursing Baby Burrito Bowl and enjoying 4 months of being sleep deprived and exhausted while on maternity leave.  When she’s not being a new mom, or doing medical nurse stuff, she enjoys knitting kick ass hats made from super fancy wool.  You can even buy one for yourself or a loved one if you contact us.  They are really comfortable, but Mrs. Burrito Bowl says I can’t wear them to work anymore.

I mean, come on! How cute is that? Mrs. Burrito Bowl wool hat ON Baby Burrito Bowl?
Our nieces, Amber and Cassie, model Mrs. Burrito Bowl’s kick ass wool hats

She also enjoys making healthy food that tastes good.  One of her hobbies is making sure Mr. Burrito Bowl doesn’t eat too much ice cream or drink too much whiskey.  Unsurprisingly our ideas of what constitutes as ‘too much’ differs, slightly.

Mr. Burrito Bowl is a Project Manager for a construction company in Portland, Oregon.  He enjoys writing, working out and playing music. One of his hobbies is distracting Mrs. Burrito Bowl from her various worries.  He currently has two books on Amazon that you should probably buy.  One is a spoof romance novel called The Adventures of Gunnar McGregor the other is a short story he wrote for his nephew as a Christmas present called The Bravest Boy. If you contact us we’d be happy to send you a signed book, possibly with lots of money inside.

Mr. Burrito Bowl reads from the literary masterpiece of sarcasm and meandering plot points he wrote known as “The Adventures of Gunnar McGregor.”

As a couple we hope to reach Financial Independence sometime in the next 7-10 years.  It’s a long process but we figured while we’re waiting for the next season of Game of Thrones we may as well do something.

What is the goal of this blog?

The goal of Burrito Bowl Diaries  is to chronicle our journey to financial independence and hopefully inspire some folks along the way.  This isn’t solely a financial blog, it’s a life optimization blog.  Some articles will be about savings and taxes and some will be workout, health, and happiness tips. Honestly, some articles will be pure nonsense because it’s hard for Mr. Burrito Bowl to stay serious for very long at a time.

This blog focuses a lot on being content with what you have and in your current circumstance.  Finding the joys in life and focusing on those rather than on the negatives seems to be a good recipe for overall happiness. Right now, life is pretty great for us.  We have good jobs, are healthy and have great, supportive family.  We don’t take any of it for granted and fully understand how lucky we are.

Some of our happiness is due to dumb luck and some of it we worked very hard to cultivate. The part that we’ve cultivated we want to share with you.  You’re kind of on your own for the dumb luck part, but the part we worked hard for we hope you copy.

Who is this blog for?

This blog is for anyone who wants to optimize their life a little more.  We aren’t better than anyone or holier than thou.  We’re a nurse and a project manager in our early 30’s trying to find little ways to make life more enjoyable.  We don’t have the answers but if we stumble upon them, we’ll let you know! Maybe you’re a person who wants saving and investing explained in a more fun and lighthearted way or maybe you’re someone who needs some extra health motivation.  That’s why we’re here.

What is this blog NOT for?

This blog is not about making anyone feel bad about their life choices or current situation, it’s about finding ways to look at the world differently.  Just because everyone is doing something one way doesn’t mean it’s the best way.  If your life isn’t where you want it to be, we aren’t trying to make you feel bad about it.  We want to give you some tools and ideas to change the trajectory so in a few years you’ll look back and smile at the progress you’ve made.

It’s not about becoming rich, it’s about living your best life.  Through these articles we hope to get you just a little bit healthier, a little bit happier, and a little more financially savvy.  Hopefully you’ll laugh some too. 🙂

If you enjoy this blog, please subscribe and share it with all your friends and enemies.

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