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10-Minute Workout for Humans Who Read Blogs About 10-Minute Workouts

10-Minute Workout

Two men engulfed in woods, pose in victory

Being consistent with workouts is something we all struggle with, unless we just consistently don’t workout.  I’ve recently started a quick 10-minute workout regimen that I’m really enjoying. I mean, I don’t enjoy it at all when it’s happening.  I enjoy it AFTER I do it.

Now that I think about it, you probably won’t like it all….wait, come back.  You WILL like it.  You’ll LOVE it!  The whole thing is a blast. Never mind that burning in your chest or that slight fainting sensation.  Wooo!

It takes about 10-minutes to complete this particular 10-minute workout because I use a timer.  Once my timer hits 10-minutes then I just stop.  Doing this short exercise lets me start my day with a small victory that sets the tone for whatever else I feel like doing.

My morning routine is wake up, have a cup of coffee, take my wife to work, come home, waste ten minutes not working out, get ready for work, go to work. If you’re a detective like reader you may have noticed there was a 10-minute section where I was not working out.  All I did was substitute this unproductive window for a 10-minute workout window.  It’s science.

Hot Tip: I do this quick workout before I’ve eaten any food.  I always fast, other than coffee, until about 12pm so eating before the workout wasn’t a great option.  With a workout this short I’d recommend trying it fasted otherwise that adds an additional wrinkle into the plan.

“So, what is the actual workout?” – I hope at least one person is asking.

The 10-minute workout goes like this:

25-air squats




repeat four times or until 10-minutes is up.

That approximately 7-seconds of reading is really the meat of the article, but just keep reading anyway.

Below I will give you a more in-depth look at how this workout will go.

1) Get a stop watch and push start.

2) Start doing air squats – I do sets of 25 but you can do more or less.  There is no science behind the number 25.

A) At this point you’ll be feeling pretty good but your legs will burn a little.

3) Now do push-ups – I do sets of 25 but do however many will make you tired but not so many you can’t complete all four rounds.

A) At this point you’ll be feeling ok but your arms will burn a little and you’ll be a little out of breath.

4) After your push-up set if you have a pull-up bar do 5 pull-ups.

A) If you can’t do 5 pull-ups do however many you can.

B) If you can’t do any pull-ups just hang.  Hanging on a pull-up bar is great for building shoulder and grip strength and more importantly stretching your shoulder muscles.

C) If you can’t support your whole body by hanging keep your feet on something solid and use your legs to help support your weight as much as needed.

D) If you don’t have a pull-up bar, get one.  If you refuse to get one but are still reading this article don’t worry about reading step 4. Just go to step 5. Just right now jump to step 5.

E)  At this point you’ll be a lot more out of breath and you’ll be surprised that you’ve been working out for only 2-minutes.

5) Do 25 sit-ups of some kind or plank for 1-minute.

A) At this point you’ll say, “Oh, dear.  Three more rounds? I’m unsubscribing from that one blog.”

6) Repeat the cycle four times – This should take about 10-minutes without breaks.

A) If it’s taking longer than 10-minutes lower the number of reps you’re doing with each exercise until you end right around the 10-minute mark.

B) A variation on this is to do a 10-minute AMRAP which stands for As Many Rounds/Reps As Possible.  The idea on this is to do as many rounds as possible until 10-minutes is up.







BOOM!  Look how fit you are already getting just from reading this.

This is a great way to start your day by getting your muscles warmed up and your blood pumping.  If you do the entire workout without stopping you will be breathing hard and probably want to throw-up/faint at some point.

Did you just finish the workout?  How do you feel?   Do you feel great or awful? If you feel awful it’s probably because you ignored my advice about not eating.  You have no one to blame but yourself.  If you heeded my advice then you probably feel really great and proud of yourself.

The 10-minute workout will be over in what feels like only half an hour and you’ll be a stronger human with greater resolve because of your efforts.

I’m so proud of you!

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5 Easy Ways to Get Back (and stay) in Shape

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