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How to be Happy with the Body You Have


How do you feel about your body? I’m talking about the whole package- the look, the shape, the general complexion, its abilities, and its shortcomings.

On a scale of body confidence are you more like this…

or like this…?

Society has taught us that if we’re too happy with our body it means we’re narcissistic and almost certainly a douche. While this is probably more or less accurate, I think there’s a happy medium between being in love with your own reflection, and not being able to stand it. Too many people I know hate the way they look for one reason or another. Hating your own body is one of the saddest things I can imagine.

We need to get something straight from the jump. You aren’t your body. Your body is the tireless (or constantly tired, as it were) workhorse that carries you through existence. What you are is kind of confusing, and surprisingly not that easy to pin down.  Here’s a great Wait, But Why article about what makes you, you. You should read it, but not yet. It’s a long article and if you start reading Wait, But Why you won’t make it back here for a while, if ever.

Moving on.

Let’s take a minute to think about how lucky you are to be you. Out of all the potential life forms, you get to be a human. Nature is horrifying. Most things in nature pass on to the sweet hereafter by being eaten alive. There’s a super low probability that you’ll be eaten alive. So, it’s nice to be a human.

Not only do you get to be a human, you get to be a living human. Out of all the possible times to be, you get to live now. This is critical because most people are dead. The vast majority of people and things who have ever lived are dead. You aren’t. You’re alive. Wooo!



We should be overjoyed that we even exist, but we hardly ever think about it like that. Instead of running around screaming “Holy shit, we’re alive!!” we let little birds of nonsense ruin our day. We focus on our imperfections and reasons why we’re not good enough. It doesn’t matter what our imperfection is- a slow metabolism, a long neck, or a crooked toe. Our bodies are MOSTLY perfect, but we have a tendency to fixate on those few areas that we feel could use some improvement.




Instead of viewing your body as something to be ashamed of, choose to view your body as something to be defended. You’ve given birth, worked double shifts, cared for loved ones, fallen off a bike, smashed your finger and eaten a popsicle. Your body was there for all of it, getting you through. Choose to see your body as something to be thankful for, not ashamed of.

I’m not saying that you shouldn’t strive to constantly improve your health, or even care about how you look, but don’t be overly critical of yourself. Being overly critical of yourself just isn’t helpful. Plus, you’re stuck with the body you have.

Instead of complaining about it, make it better. If you need to get in better shape, then get in better shape. But do it for yourself, not for anyone else.  Think of your body like a car- exercising and eating healthy is just doing routine maintenance like changing your oil and rotating your tires. Get healthier so that it improves the quality of your time on Earth.

Reminder: You probably need to schedule an oil change and maybe even a tire rotation on your actual car. Oil changes need to be done every 5,000 miles, give or take, and tire rotations should happen about every six months. It's important.

Love your body because it’s the only one you get. You can’t complain your way to a different one. You can improve it, but you can’t swap it out for a different model. Don’t go through life ashamed and self-conscious all the time, because chances are a lot of people would give anything to trade bodies with you.

In closing, your body has been to battle for you time and time again. It’s okay to be proud of it

There, isn’t that better?

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Here’s a few more positive articles that we didn’t steal if you want to read them:

How to Be Proud of Yourself and Why It’s Important

Doing the Things- How to Get Going When You’ve Lost Motivation

Gratitude and a Lukewarm Shower


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