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On God Part II- God Floods the World


This is the second post in my newest series ‘On God’. Part I can be found here, if you missed that.

Part II is the story of when God floods the world. What was going through God’s mind as it was happening? It was bad news for pretty much everyone, but most Christians don’t really seem to mind it. The flood is one of my favorite Bible stories because it’s so horrifying AND improbable, but people seem to just be totally okay with it.

Could God really do that? Is it morally acceptable for him to do it just because he’s God? If it IS morally acceptable, man, is there anything God could do that wouldn’t be morally acceptable? I have lots of questions.

What are we doing here?

The purpose of the series is to get out some of my questions/musings about God and religion in general. I’m not anti-God. In fact, most of my favorite people on Earth are Christians. I just don’t like how a lot of the inconvenient parts of the Bible are glossed over. I think anyone who believes in God has to really wrestle with these questions.

I’m not trying to convince anyone that God isn’t as great as their Sunday School teacher says, but I think a lot of people have never really thought deeply about what’s going on in the Bible. It’s complicated, and God’s complicated. I used to be really religious and I wouldn’t mind if that happened again. But, I need some of these issues dealt with before that can happen.

I won’t be sugarcoating some of the happenings in the Bible. I will be drawing pictures about them and those pictures will make God look kind of dickish at different points. I’m not trying to make God look dickish, but it’s hard to draw someone flooding the world without them coming across in a less than ideal light.

I hope you enjoy it.

God Floods the World



The flood was a real weird event.

Why would God create the whole world and then not that long afterward decide to start over. I know the Sunday School answer of the world had become just real wicked, so it makes perfect sense that God floods the world.” But does that even make sense?

God is already all-knowing so when he created us the first time didn’t he see this being an issue? Did he know ahead of time he was going to flood the place? It makes me wonder what the difference is between pre-flood and post-flood people. Since we still get free-will, aren’t we destined to immediately just start doing the same stuff again?

Creations, Floods and a Literal Bible

It turns out a lot of Bible-believing people don’t actually believe in a literal flood. This surprised me because I was raised that you’re supposed to believe everything that’s in the Bible really happened- except for a few key parables. Even those might have happened. Key events like the creation story, the flood, Moses in Egypt and Daniel in the Lion’s Den- those all for sure happened. In real life.

If I had grown up with a version of Christianity that didn’t make such a fuss about the Bible being literal I probably wouldn’t have spent nearly the amount of time agonizing over details like How did saltwater and freshwater fish survive a worldwide flood? AND How did all the animals make it back to their continents after it was all over?

Normal people don’t worry too much about that kind of stuff.

It’s the story that matters. But to people who do believe in a literal Bible, it’s not just the story. The story HAS to be true. I think people who do believe in a literal Bible hold firm to their belief despite the evidence because there is this fear that if THIS part of the Bible isn’t actually true, what else might not be true?

Getting back to the whole truth of the matter- I don’t know if we really should want the story of how God floods the earth to be true. Apologists have explained until they’re blue in the face why it was morally acceptable for God to kill everyone via floods, but was it acceptable?

Imagine the flood was never meant to be taken literally. God exists, but he never really flooded the earth. I wonder what God thinks about so many people thinking he really did flood the world- and they’re totally fine with that. If you’re God and in real life you DIDN’T flood the world, that has to give you some pause.

What do you guys think? Did the flood really happen? Does it change your view of God one way or the other depending on if it did or didn’t?

On God Part III- What Happens in the Afterlife?

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