WD-40 and the Five Year Squeak


We’ve lived in the same apartment for over five years.  As long as we’ve been here, our bathroom door has squeaked badly when opening or closing it.  Now that we have a baby that squeak has gone from mildly annoying to a ‘must fix’ situation.

Recently my wife asked if I could please fix it once and for all.  I said we needed some WD-40 to spray on the hinges.  She looked in our closet and found a can.  I sprayed the hinges and just like that the squeak was gone.

We had lived with that squeak for the last five years and it was gone in less than 30-seconds.

So many of the problems we encounter in life persist simply because we don’t take action.

A 30-second phone call to cancel that subscription we never use, or talk to that old friend we’ve grown apart from to tell them we were thinking of them.  The few minutes it would take to transfer our investment accounts to somewhere with low fees, or the quick call to HR to finally contribute to our 401k.

In five purposeful minutes you can change your life.

The longer we live with a problem, the harder it becomes to take action.

How many squeaks do you put up with in your life that just need a little WD-40?


Author: MrBurritoBowl

Mr. Burrito Bowl is a 34-year-old man from Whitefish, Montana who likes to draw stick figures and say things that sometimes relate to finances, but not always.

3 thoughts on “WD-40 and the Five Year Squeak”

  1. MrBurritoBowl:

    I know exactly how this is. When Dr. SoS and I were dating she called these things “tolerances.” Now each time we complete one of these small tasks we look at one another and one of us says, “tolerances!” I likewise wrote a blog post about it back in September 2017.


    Mr. SoS

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