How to Keep Your New Year’s Resolutions…From Annoying The Rest of Us

Ah, at long last it’s officially the end of 2018 and almost the Year of Our Lord 2019.  Ever since 2018 proved to be little more than 2017 in disguise we’ve been patiently waiting for 2019 to save us from the drudgery of modern time keeping.  How did everyone’s New Year’s resolutions from 2018 end up?

People like to start off the year with New Year’s resolutions because the New Year only comes around once per year.  It’s a good excuse to not start getting your life in order in October, or March, when you’re thinking about your personal shortcomings.  Knowing you can put off any would be self-improvement for at least another month or eleven is more than enough reason for most of us to partake in a New Year’s resolution.

Despite an all-time failure rate of approximately 97.4%, New Year’s resolutions continue to be one of our most cherished American past times on par with baseball and diabetes. Continue reading “How to Keep Your New Year’s Resolutions…From Annoying The Rest of Us”

Oh, Man! The Stock Market is Going Down. Wait, Yeah it’s Going Down

The stock market is in free fall, the housing market is slowing down, and Dana White is threatening to make a welterweight title fight at UFC 235 with or without Tyron Woodley, despite Tyron being the four-time defending champ who defended the belt in September.  Madness.  Yes sir and/or ma’am, it looks like the world is ending.

In the grand scheme of things the stock market isn’t in free fall but has merely stepped off a small curb. That kind of level-headed approach won’t move any papers, so free-fall it is.  How are we all feeling about the stock market’s recent decline?  I feel great.  At one point we had personally lost at least $50,000 from December 3rd-December 24th.  Wait.  Son of a… Continue reading “Oh, Man! The Stock Market is Going Down. Wait, Yeah it’s Going Down”

How to Quickly Tell if You Can Trust Someone- The Coffee Question

Ok, here’s the situation:  You’re meeting someone for the first time and you need to quickly figure out whether or not you can trust them.  Maybe they want to give you free candy out of the back of their van.   What do you do?  Seems like a sketchy situation, but at the same time, you want that candy.

Some of you will wisely ask what kind of candy they have.  If it’s full size butterfinger or Twix bars, you might have to risk it.  If they say they have bubblegum or fun size anything, the risk to reward ratio might not be in your favor.  Point is, sometimes situations arise where you need to make a split-second judgement as to whether or not you can trust someone. Continue reading “How to Quickly Tell if You Can Trust Someone- The Coffee Question”

T-Minus How Many Days Until Baby Burrito Bowl?!

This is possibly the least applicable article I’ve ever written. I realize nobody else really REALLY cares that we’re having a baby and even less people care to read an article about my thoughts on having a baby. It’s a strange time. Anyway…

“You’ll understand once you have a kid,” Mr. Burrito Bowl to everyone who doesn’t have a kid, in about a week.

Well, it’s somehow mid-December.  That means Baby Burrito Bowl is most likely within a few days of her long-awaited arrival.  Pregnancy’s weird, man.  She’s just hanging out like RIGHT THERE in Mrs. Burrito Bowl’s belly.  It’s the craziest thing.  She’s a full on human baby just kicking it, literally, for the next several days. 

For those of you who don’t know, Baby Burrito Bowl will be our first kid.  Mrs. Burrito Bowl is busy knitting all sorts of baby related clothing articles and I’m typing things into Youtube like: “What do you do with a baby that’s a girl?  A human baby girl.” Continue reading “T-Minus How Many Days Until Baby Burrito Bowl?!”

Why Small Talk is The Worst

The Following is a Public Service Announcement Regarding Small Talk:

Small talk is among the worst things modern humans do to themselves.  I think someone invented small talk as a goof and people just didn’t realize it was only supposed to be a joke to annoy normal people, not something you actually do. Despite its origins, there are full-on small talk people—people who enjoy pinning other people down to tell them unimportant facts about their lives and opinions they happen to hold.  Here’s a quick list of the people throughout history who enjoy being on the receiving end of small talk:

Continue reading “Why Small Talk is The Worst”

The Power of Stoicism- Standing in The Cold

Stoicism is a cool concept, and word in general.  Stoicism.  Just say it.  It really is fun.  Not only is it a fun word to say, stoicism is an important character trait to develop.  Stoicism is defined as “The endurance of pain or hardship without a display of feelings and without complaint.”  Yippee! It’s a great tool to help you become tougher and more content, which ultimately leads you to being happier.   Continue reading “The Power of Stoicism- Standing in The Cold”

If You Just Save a Little Bit, It’s Not Really Worth It. Ya Know?

“What? That doesn’t even make sense.  Who wrote that?  That’s not a real article title,” Mrs. Burrito Bowl.

“This is my article.  I’m reading you my article,”  Mr. Burrito Bowl.

“Oh…sounds great, honey.”

Such is life.

Listen, kids.  Saving money is hard no matter how you slice it.  I don’t really know what that saying is supposed to mean.  Sayings are weird.

It’s a mental drain to think of your hard earned dollars just being socked away for some day thirty years down the road. We live in a culture where we don’t even earn our paycheck before we spend it and we for sure don’t earn it and let it sit there for a few decades.

A few of us know that saving money is important, but it’s just so hard.  There’s a mental shift we need to make to motivate ourselves to save part of our paycheck.

Mrs. Burrito Bowl and I are about three years into this whole money saving cult of financial independence and there’s a counterintuitive idea that’s really helped us:  Saving half your paycheck is mentally easier than saving $100. Continue reading “If You Just Save a Little Bit, It’s Not Really Worth It. Ya Know?”

The But First Method- How to Eat What You Want and Still Lose Weight

It’s time to get off the hamster wheel of continual weight loss and weight gain.  Stop dieting.  Change your relationship with food so that instead of being ON a diet you HAVE a healthy diet.  Being on a diet takes a lot of mental energy and puts you in a deprivation mindset.  You always feel like you’re missing out.  Eventually your willpower diminishes and you revert back to old habits…

Diets are like cardio machines, they keep you fat.

Boom! Shots fired.  We have this real chicken and egg situation going on with diets here in America.  The people who are always on diets are typically several muffins overweight.  Is this because only people with extra muffins are wanting to diet or are diets actually causing that extra fat to accumulate? It’s time to stop dieting.  I’ve got a better solution for you: The But First Method.  Before we get into that, let’s look at why diets don’t work.

The main problem with diets are 1) they’re awful, and 2) they’re unsustainable.

People who diet are in a constant yo-yo of losing 15 pounds while hating life, overcompensating by eating an entire pan of brownies, gaining 20 pounds back, feeling bad about themselves, and starting the whole process over.

Oh, about the cardio machines keeping you fat:  In a nutshell, you burn more calories, and will lose fat faster, by lifting weights rather than running on a treadmill.

You Should HAVE a healthy Diet, Not be ON a Diet

It’s time to get off the hamster wheel of continual weight loss and weight gain.  Stop dieting.  Change your relationship with food so that instead of being ON a diet you HAVE a healthy diet.  Being on a diet takes a lot of mental energy and puts you in a deprivation mindset.  You always feel like you’re missing out.  Eventually your willpower diminishes and you revert back to old habits.

Having a healthy diet means you change your relationship with food altogether.  While you’re at it, change the way you view success.  Diets are great for getting you to lose a bunch of weight quickly.  Unfortunately, as soon as you stop the diet you gain all the weight back.

It would be way better long term to routinely lose a single pound of body fat per month than it would be to lose 30 pounds one month and gain it all back over the next six months.

Our goal is sustainable weight loss and weight management.  Don’t get discouraged if you try this method and only lose a few pounds.  My guess is you’ll lose a lot more, but even if you only lose a few pounds per month that doesn’t mean you’re failing if you’re able to sustain that loss.

I have a two question survey for you:
How many diets have you tried in your lifetime?  How do you feel about your body right now?

This brief questionnaire is designed to get you to decide if the rest of this article is for you.  If you’re happy with how your body looks, and doing the latest diet works for you, then I’m not trying to change that.  If you’re frustrated with the cycle of weight loss and weight gain then I think this will help.

I’ve been using a combination of what I call The But First Method, Intermittent Fasting, and consistent exercise.  I’m very happy with how my body looks and feels and I want to spread that to as many people as I can.

The catch-22 is people don't want to listen to someone who looks like me because they think my body just metabolizes food differently and I can't understand their situation.  Those people also wouldn't want to listen to me if I was 30 pounds overweight because who wants to listen to a fat guy about weight management? It's a real bugger.

The One-Two-Three Combo I Use to Lose Weight and Keep It Off

For the last year or so I’ve been experimenting with Intermittent Fasting. By experimenting I mean I’ve been drinking black coffee in the morning and then sitting on my hands refusing to eat any actual food until at least 12pm, sometimes much later than that.

The second punch of my one-two combo is The But First Method. More on that in a minute. The third punch is exercise.  Regular exercise is important for overall health and for not looking and feeling like the Pillsbury Doughboy.

Benefits of Intermittent Fasting:

Intermittent fasting has a host of health benefits. It allows your body to heal itself and gives your internal organs a break from constant digestion.  The basic idea is to keep your eating window within about an 8-hour range and your fasting window within about a 16-hour range.  This means no calories during your fasting window.  Some people choose to fast from early evening until morning and some choose to fast from late evening until early afternoon.  I fast from late evening until around noon the following day.

Ex: 4pm-8am or 8pm-12pm

Here’s a few other health benefits I’ve noticed:

1) My waist keeps getting smaller

Since starting Intermittent Fasting I’m down between three and four belt notches and can see my abs again for the first time in several years.  With this newfound success, I’ve started eating healthier.  It’s like a vicious cycle, but the good kind.

When I was having a drink or two every night, and eating ice cream several nights per week, I started to develop a dad bod despite the fact that I am not yet a dad.  This made it easy to say yes to eating food that I knew was exacerbating the problem.  I didn’t feel awful about myself but I didn’t feel great.  I’ve always exercised so I never gained an ungodly amount of weight but I didn’t look and feel my best.

2) Our monthly grocery bill is significantly less.

I’ve become accustomed to being a little bit hungry.  By not eating until noon I’m forced to learn to be okay with not constantly feeling full.  This has lead to less snacking and making healthier decisions when I do eat. The best part is it’s not hard to do.  Your body adapts so those hunger pangs and cravings aren’t nearly as strong as they are when you were eating around the clock.

We’re able to splurge on healthier food because our overall grocery bill is less.  This means it’s easier to buy organic, splurge on meat, and try to be more conscious of where our food comes from.

3) I have more energy in the mornings.

This one is a big surprise for me.  I’ve always eaten a fairly healthy breakfast and then had to eat again around 10am.  If I didn’t eat I’d get hangry and shaky. Now that I don’t eat breakfast I don’t have the same crash.  I feel barely hungry during the mornings but not enough to even be annoying.  Around 11:30am or so I start to notice myself getting hungry, most days.  Some days I look up the clock and notice it’s 2pm and I still don’t feel the need to eat.

4) It allows me to eat whatever I want more or less guilt free using a completely made up eating protocol I’ve named The But first Method.

I’m not a namer of things, in case that wasn’t obvious.   Basically, what my strategy has been is to eat whatever I want but first I have to eat something healthy.  Hence the name.  If I want some ice cream I will have some ice cream, but first I eat some mixed nuts or make a burrito bowl to curb my hunger.  Then I eat the ice cream.

The net effect is I end up eating less ice cream in that sitting because there isn’t nearly as much room in my stomach for it.  Often times I end up not even wanting the ice cream.

This approach has worked well for me so far.  I’m not the type of personality that does well when being told I cannot do something.  If I tell myself no ice cream period, then all I think about is wanting that delicious frozen sugar.  I know my desire for ice cream is 100% mental.  When I give myself permission to eat the ice cream with the caveat that first I have to eat something more substantially beneficial, I find I don’t crave the ice cream nearly as much because it isn’t the forbidden fruit.

Burrito Bowl Wrap-Up

See what I did there?  Burrito.  Wrap-up. Never mind.  If you’re someone who struggles with diets and losing belly fat I’d highly suggest trying Intermittent Fasting combined with The But First Method and an exercise program.  I’ve been pleasantly surprised by the results.

If you’ve struggled maintaining diets, Give The But First Method a try.  The beauty of this method is it’s sustainable.  You don’t have to constantly tell yourself ‘no’ in order to be successful.  When you’re finding it much easier to stick to a diet while you lose a bunch of weight, feel free to get in touch with me to thank me for my heroic eat-whatever-you-want-method.

The longer I’ve done The But First Method the less I find myself wanting to fill my body with unhealthy food.  When you see results it motivates you to keep going.  If I were to tell myself that I’m not allowed to have any ice cream I’d rage against my self-imposed sugar shackles.

As it is I haven’t had ice cream in several weeks and I don’t miss it.  Every time I’ve wanted ice cream I eat a bunch of cottage cheese or something else healthy.  Then, If I still feel like it, I’ll have some ice cream.

Often times I didn’t even want ice cream I just wanted to eat something.  The cottage cheese filled me enough that I ended up forgoing the ice cream altogether.  The key is to eat enough of something healthy that you’re only eating the unhealthy food for flavor, not to get full.   When I DID want ice cream, after eating a bunch of cottage cheese, I’d have as much as I wanted, guilt-free.

Keep in mind I’m not a doctor and I pretty much just made this method up on the fly.  It seems pretty common sense though.  Fill your stomach with good food so you’ll have less room for not good food.

Related Reading:

Intermittent Fasting for Beginners- The Basics

A Bunch of Weird Things We’re Doing to Be Healthy

9 Deadly Myths About Exercise

Easy 4-Day Gym Rotation to Help you Impress Strangers and Kids