Ketchup and Lettuce

You’re at my house for a barbecue.

Imagine I ask you if you like the flavor of ketchup and lettuce together.

If your answer is ‘Yes,’ you’d probably be disappointed if I used ketchup as your salad dressing.

If you answered ‘no,’ you might be disappointed if I didn’t put lettuce on your hamburger.

Context matters.

When people have simple black and white answers for complex problems it should signal a red flag to you.  Life is full of nuances and many answers are situational.

Don’t be afraid to get more context before making a decision.  Don’t be afraid to ask more questions.  It doesn’t make you weak or undecided.  It protects you from winding up with ketchup as your salad dressing.

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Read our first Saturday Short:

They’re an Idiot But I Just did and Idiotic Thing