Free-Range Morality- What’s the Deal with Eggs?

What kind of chicken eggs does everyone buy? I’ve been thinking about eggs because last time I was in the grocery store there were 47 different versions for sale and I feel like some of them were made up. There were pasture-raised, free-range, organic, ethically treated, verbally abused, vegetarian-fed, cage-free, farm-fresh and even white eggs. It’s a pretty overwhelming process trying to figure out which version of this breakfast staple most closely defines me as a person.

Here’s the thing: I want to buy eggs from the most well-treated chickens on the planet. Maybe not the most well-treated, but at least from chickens that aren’t treated really poorly.

But, here’s also the thing: I don’t want to be taken for a ride by some bullshit chicken egg marketing campaign designed to trick hippies and liberals into paying more for the same product.

What’s a conscientious frugal egg-buying blogger to do? Continue reading “Free-Range Morality- What’s the Deal with Eggs?”