On God Part V.I- Heaven, Hell and the Mind-Numbing Prospect of Eternity

Today I want to talk about what happens after we die. You might be wondering why I’m even talking about what happens after we die since On God Part III is all about the afterlife. Your question is noted and ignored. This post is ALSO about the afterlife, but totally different. Here I’ll concentrate on who makes it into heaven, who gets sent to hell, and the mind-numbing prospect of eternity.

The mind-numbing prospect of eternity section will have to wait for On God Part V.II because this post ballooned to over 5,000 words, so I decided to break it up. This is Part I of a two-part post, which is already Part V of a larger rabbit hole I’m taking from my usual topics, which already can best be described as rabbit holes. Thanks for being readers of my financial blog, you guys. Continue reading “On God Part V.I- Heaven, Hell and the Mind-Numbing Prospect of Eternity”