Confirmation Bias- How to be Stupid and Proud of It

“Confirmation Bias is a hell of a drug.”- Mr. Burrito Bowl


confirmation bias

confirmation bias

confirmation bias

There’s a movement by the intellectual elitists happening right now. They climb down from their ivory league towers and say condescending nonsense like, “You guys should look at all the facts before making a decision.” Wow. It must be nice to have the time and/or inclination to look at facts before choosing sides of an issue. Insufferable.

For a long time, I tried to be one of them. I tried to be objective and not form opinions based on feelings but rather on logic. Being an intellectually honest observer was hard. The sweater vests were too hot and I always felt like I was stuck on the sidelines. I’d see the rational points of each camp instead of blindly hollering into the void. It was miserable. After giving up this life I’ve never felt better. If you’re someone who enjoys critical thinking, please, give confirmation bias a try. Continue reading “Confirmation Bias- How to be Stupid and Proud of It”