How to do Something Hard- The 5-Day Fast

***Daily updates posted at the bottom***
There are a lot of swears in this post but not because I’m mad. I’ve just cutely named future iterations of me catchy things like F*ck-This-Sh*t Me. F*ck-This-Sh*t Me is a key figure since this post is all about fasting and I’m pretty sure I’ll regret the whole thing by Monday afternoon but it’s a fun post. If you don’t want to read any swears the takeaway message is I’m doing a 5-day fast and it’s important to do hard things every once in a while.

Having just finished a delicious meal of pizza and fried-chicken, Late-June Me agreed to partake in a 5-day fast starting the week after July 4th because why not? “Wow, that’s so brave of Late-June You,” you might be thinking. Nope. Late-June Me is just an asshole. Continue reading “How to do Something Hard- The 5-Day Fast”