7 Things I do Every Morning to Avoid Decision Fatigue

Decision fatigue can mentally exhaust us before we even leave the house. Here are 7 things I do every morning to avoid decision fatigue and ensure a good start to my day.

The Importance of Morning Routines

As a young lad I had no set morning routine.  My alarm would go off and I would lay there trying to figure out what my first move would be. Well, my first move after hitting the snooze button, several times.

I remember it being so hard to wake up early.  SO HARD. It didn’t really matter what hour ‘early’ fell into.  If I needed an alarm it counted as early and it was hard.

In retrospect I may have been slightly traumatized from being woken up early by my father bursting open my bedroom, turning on the lights and hollering loud enough for the neighbors across the meadow to hear, “Rise and shine, big boy.” Continue reading “7 Things I do Every Morning to Avoid Decision Fatigue”