On God Part X- What if Fundamentalist Christians are Right?!

I recently put two and two together that this whole On God series is just me working through a lot of deep-seated religion-induced trauma. So, don’t mind me. I’ll just be over here making cartoons as a coping mechanism.

This is essentially my form of therapy and it’s just more fun when other people can get some enjoyment out of it. But also, I think a lot of people have similar mixed feelings about religion. Yeah, it’s a good thing in many ways, but man, there are some real negatives. Anyway. I hope you enjoy.

The Age of the Earth, colorized

Christians hold a lot of beliefs that non-Christians don’t. Many of them are mundane and don’t garner a lot of attention. One of these discrepancies is how differently scientists and Christians estimate the age of the Earth.

Science says the Earth is 4.543 billion years old. Christians say it’s around 7,000 years old.

Someone is wrong, right?

I had this sudden thought occur to me while thinking about just how wrong one camp has to be:

What if the fundamentalist Christians are right?

Continue reading “On God Part X- What if Fundamentalist Christians are Right?!”

How to be Willfully Ignorant and DESTROY Your Opponents

This post started out about evolution but, due to natural selection, morphed into a post about evolution, politics, and how in-group thinking hijacks our free will and makes us robots who think just like everyone around us, but we feel really individual about it. I expect it to do very poorly in terms of shares as people have routinely shown me they are disinterested in these types of posts. Let’s jump to it.

The lesson to take away from this article is, “Hey man, let’s give people the respect of trying to understand their claim before we argue with them.” If you can internalize that you don’t really need to read the rest of it.

Wait, come back. Continue reading “How to be Willfully Ignorant and DESTROY Your Opponents”