The Good Day/Bad Day Teeter-Totter

I’ve been kicking around this idea for some time- the way we react to one event tends to set the course for how we’ll color events that happen the rest of the day. Once we get going in a certain direction, it becomes harder to switch course and easier to keep going down our same path. I call it the Good day/bad day teeter-totter. For example: I’m currently experiencing a very pleasant Sunday morning with my wife and daughter.  We’re having coffee, reading internet things, and practicing screeching. Fun times for all. I’m in a good mood.

The screeching, however, is getting louder and louder. She doesn’t need anything, she’s just practicing her vocal range. When the screeching reached a fever pitch I attempted to snap her out of her spiral of screeches by saying, “Hey.” but, what actually came out was “HEY!!” Continue reading “The Good Day/Bad Day Teeter-Totter”