On God Part V.II- Heaven, Hell and the Mind-numbing Prospect of Eternity

This is On God Part V.II, confusingly enough. Initially, Part V was just one mega-post, but considering nobody gives a shit about this blog, it felt too long. That being said, it’s now broken up into two only semi-long posts. This one is mostly about eternity. I think eternity is real fun in a bizarre and horrifying type of way. Forever will happen whether we’re around for it or not.

So, for On God Part V.II, I want to explore eternity. Remember from Part V.I, for this post, the Bible is 100% true. Typically people argue the individual points in the Bible- “Jesus walked on water!” “No, he didn’t!” But today I just want to accept the puzzle pieces laid out by mainstream Christianity and put them together from there. Then we can think about eternity for a few minutes.

Let’s get to it. Continue reading “On God Part V.II- Heaven, Hell and the Mind-numbing Prospect of Eternity”

The Holiday Paradox- Why Time Speeds Up

Time seems to be speeding up and it has me squinting my eyes at the calendar with greater regularity. I’m usually not baffled that it’s already May, for instance, but I am baffled that it’s somehow the year 2019. We’re living in the future, and time just keeps gaining speed. Continue reading “The Holiday Paradox- Why Time Speeds Up”