Monday Motivation- Hang in There With a Pull-Up Bar

pull-up bar

Today’s pull-up bar sponsored post is a thinly veiled metaphor for life

Hang in there, don’t give up.  Come on, you can do it. The road seems long and perilous but don’t give up.  Hang in there…metaphorically.  And also…you should just hang there, literally.  Hanging from a pull-up bar is a fantastic exercise that can help alleviate shoulder and back pain, increase grip strength, and allow you to appreciate the fact that we don’t live in trees.

Do you have back pain? Shoulder pain? Zits?  Get yourself a pull-up bar and hang from it several times per day and most of your life problems will simply go away.

If you don’t have a pull-up bar you can use a strong door. You can also use a weak door, depending on your risk tolerance, and your tolerance for having a door that’s slightly out of alignment.  I recommend a pull-up bar, though.

Assuming you do have a pull-up bar set it up around your door opening, grab it with your hands and just hang.  The magic is in the simplicity.

But Wait…There’s more!

If you haven’t just held your weight on your hands and arms before, this will be quite difficult.  You can put your feet on the ground and support as much of your body weight as needed with your legs.  The more you do it the stronger you’ll get.

Immediately you’ll start to feel your back muscles stretch in a way you probably haven’t experienced in some time, maybe ever.  You’ll also feel relief in your lower back.  You’ll be able to move your hips back and forth and stretch out those supporting muscles that never get a break.

The stretching of these muscles may even make it so you no longer require chiropractic care.  I used to visit the chiropractor weekly.  I never go anymore and I hardly ever have back pain.  I realize this is some anecdotal evidence but I attribute much of my back relief to my habit of hanging freely from a pull-up bar.

There are countless people in society who get weekly chiropractic care or massages.  It’s deemed a necessity.  Maybe it is for them.  I wonder how many of those people take the time to hang from a pull-up bar?  Probably not many.  The human body is amazing in its ability to heal itself.  Hanging won’t fix all of your problems, but it will fix more problems than not hanging.

You can get a pull-up bar at any sporting good store or you can just do the American thing and buy it on Amazon.

I use one similar to THIS.

OR you can just keep complaining about your back and shoulder pain and how nobody takes you seriously because of your scrawny forearms and flimsy handshake.

Now that you’re on board, start with 10-seconds at a time.  Do three or four sets of 10-second bursts.  Let your muscles relax entirely through the stretch.  You’ll soon be able to hang freely for a couple of minutes with practice and consistency.  If you feel yourself starting to contemplate going vegan or find yourself daydreaming about putting floral arrangements in your hair it’s time to stop the stretch.

My closing argument is, man just metaphorically hang in there.  It’s Monday.  Your back hurts and your boss is a bag of dicks.  Things will get better.  Don’t give up.  Persevere. Get yourself a pull-up bar, do some hanging stretches, maybe even some breathing exercises.  Use the money you save on chiropractic and massage care to build up an emergency fund so you can tell your boss you aren’t in the mood for his/her lip today, or any other day.  They will be so impressed with your confidence and increased shoulder strength that they’ll probably give you a raise on the spot.

This post has a double meaning so keep at it with whatever is getting you down currently.  Don’t give up.  Things will get better.

Also, get a pull-up bar and hang from it.

Hang in there.

More Exercise Articles:

9 Deadly Myths About Exercise

Easy 4-Day Gym Rotation to Help You Impress Strangers and Kids

10-Minute Workout for Humans Who Read Blogs About 10-Minute Workouts



Author: MrBurritoBowl

Mr. Burrito Bowl is a 34-year-old man from Whitefish, Montana who likes to draw stick figures and say things that sometimes relate to finances, but not always.

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