On God Part III- What Happens in the Afterlife?

I don’t know what happens when we die. Darkness? Golden staircases? Elephants with lots of arms? The possibilities are intriguing. Depending on what part of the globe you’re standing on, you’ll get some radically different guesses on what encompasses the afterlife. It’s possible that everything you currently think is correct, and everyone else is wrong. It’s also possible that the way you think the world works is so far off-base that you’re basically just wasting your life being wrong 100% of the time. Exciting, huh?

Oh, this is Part III of my On God series, BTW. You can read Part I  and Part II here.

The point is, nobody really REALLY knows what happens when we die. I distrust people whose pie chart of belief on the afterlife is all one color. Continue reading “On God Part III- What Happens in the Afterlife?”