The Spectrum of Belief and the Circle of Influence

Today I want to talk about the spectrum of belief, the circle of influence, and how those two interact to move our society forward. If you feel tempted to Google those phrases, don’t bother. I made them up only to later realize they already exist. No matter.

This is a political post, so if you’d rather me not touch the sacred grounds of politics, maybe read one of these articles instead

Anyway, without offending anyone…

Let’s talk about why the left kind of sucks

Continue reading “The Spectrum of Belief and the Circle of Influence”

Gender-Neutral Restrooms- How to Ruin a Good Idea

Today’s article tackles the subject of gender-neutral restrooms. This is a serious issue that I’m attempting to honestly work through. I’ll do my best to convey the pros and cons of each viewpoint without resorting to strawman arguments. In today’s uber political climate nuance is not always appreciated, so I can only assume many people will be upset by this article simply for my attempt to see both sides fairly. Such is life.

As always I attempt to bring some levity to the article so please do your best not to be offended. If you find yourself offended please read the entire article before casting judgment. Once you’ve done that feel free to lob any and all complaints my way via Twitter @MrBurritoBowl or in the comments.

I also venture into the cold, unforgiving waters of discussing concerns for safety with concerns over the treatment of the transgender community. I’m sure that will go super well for me.

Anyway. Let’s get to it. Continue reading “Gender-Neutral Restrooms- How to Ruin a Good Idea”