Purchasing a Vehicle with Financial Independence in Mind-Part II

Purchasing Vehicle with Financial Independence in Mind…Part II

Yes, this is a two part series.  As a matter of fact it may be a three part series. I hope you brought a snack.  We’re looking for a car over here; we can’t just do one part.

In Part 1 we went over what features we’re looking for.  We being mostly me, but I do appreciate your moral support. Part 1 was called 8 Ways We’re Purchasing a Vehicle with FI in Mind, in case you wanted to relive that post, share it again with your friends, or even feature it on Rockstar Finance. Any of those will do. Continue reading “Purchasing a Vehicle with Financial Independence in Mind-Part II”

“Hell Yeah, Give me the Off Road Tires,”- Mr. Burrito Bowl Almost Buys a Truck

Earlier this year I almost bought a truck. Well, by almost I mean I went down the rabbit hole of looking at trucks on Craigslist and daydreaming about the inherent testosterone increase that lies therein.

It’s a dangerous hole to start looking in because there’s just so many fun options.  First, I decided it was a need not a want.  Very important to only buy needs when chasing financial independence.  I NEEDED a truck because I’ve been driving a Honda Fit to the various construction sites for the last couple of years and at a certain point it’s just un-American. Continue reading ““Hell Yeah, Give me the Off Road Tires,”- Mr. Burrito Bowl Almost Buys a Truck”