Having Kids is the F*cking Worst

Having kids is awful. Yes, it’s the best, most life-giving thing you can do with your time. But, it’s also a terrible quality of life choice.  Everyone is familiar with the A-side of having a baby. They’re cute, cuddly, forced to love you…it’s great. Suddenly your sham of a life has purpose and meaning.

The B-side of the coin is why we’re here today. Continue reading “Having Kids is the F*cking Worst”

Being a Kid was Harder Than We Remember (With Illustrations)

Being a kid is just really hard for a number of reasons.   I’ve generally thought it would be fun to go back to my childhood and frolic around the woods with no responsibilities and no life skills, but the more I think about it, being a kid was a continual stream of terrible situations.

Also, here’s a non-swear edition so my mom can share it, if you’d rather read that.

Being a Kid Was Harder Than We Remember (G Version)

Continue reading “Being a Kid was Harder Than We Remember (With Illustrations)”

Saying Goodbye to the Dink Days-Preparing for Our Baby Girl with FI in Mind

Well friends and neighbors, it’s official.  We are expecting a Baby Burrito Bowl in late December.  On August 3rd we found out our future little bundle of emotions will be a girl.  We are incredibly excited, and the proper amount of terrified, about the whole process.

This will be a fun little case study on how to go about planning for a child with financial independence in mind using ourselves as case study subjects.  Will we crush it and prove to ourselves that having a child doesn’t have to cost a small fortune?  Will we abandon the FI ship and run gleefully towards consumerism, small child in tow?  Only the gods know at this point. Continue reading “Saying Goodbye to the Dink Days-Preparing for Our Baby Girl with FI in Mind”