Becoming Professor Chaos- Why I Lie to Myself Every Day

I lie to myself a lot. I’m an honest person, more or less, but I frequently lie to myself because it helps me cope. Don’t worry, I will explain.

Some people are great at the type of self-talk where they bully themselves into submission. “You WILL eat these vegetables!!” they’ll say as they force another Brussels sprout into their mouths. Others go the opposite extreme where they make an excuse for themselves at every turn. “It’s okay, you don’t need to exercise today. You’ve had a hard week, you deserve some ice cream instead.” A lot of us don’t fall into either of these categories. We require a little more nuance to our self-talk.  Might I suggest my personal preference? I prefer to lie. Continue reading “Becoming Professor Chaos- Why I Lie to Myself Every Day”

Seven Skin Tight Life Lessons Learned From Wrestling

Wrestling is a tough sport. It teaches you discipline, the value of hard work, and how to lose a lot of weight in a short amount of time. If you can get through a good high school wrestling program you can get through just about anything.

In a former life Mr. Burrito Bowl was heavily into the singlet wearing sport of wrestling.  Not wrestling as in WWE, more like, “Hey why is that kid not drinking any water? Let’s for sure not date him,” type of wrestling.  Basically the sport kids played when they weren’t popular or tall enough to play basketball. 

I had a real love/hate relationship with wrestling.  On the one-hand, wrestling isn’t fun.  It’s hard work and sucks most of the time.  On the other hand, wrestling gives you sense of pride for having not died while performing your sport.   If you can get through a good high school wrestling program you can do almost anything you put your mind to.  

Despite stunting my growth an inch or two and making me borderline insane in high school, wrestling taught me several life lessons I still keep with me today.  Continue reading “Seven Skin Tight Life Lessons Learned From Wrestling”

In a World Full of Plants…Be a Weed

In a World Full of Plants…Be a Weed.

We can learn a lot about resiliency from weeds.  In life, things are going to go wrong.  The people around you will forget to water you.  Some people will even try to stomp you out.  We live in a world that’s ready to be offended at the drop of a hat, a world where people get their feelings hurt if someone disagrees with their opinion.

When plant like people hear this type of negativity they let it envelop them.  They wilt away and quit trying.  When weed people hear that same negative talk they just keep on keeping on.  Weeds don’t give a f*ck what negative people think about their goals and dreams. Continue reading “In a World Full of Plants…Be a Weed”