How to Recharge Your Life Battery Through Stoicism

A lot of us live our lives in a never-ending battle to keep it together. It feels like we’re being pulled in multiple directions and, frankly, it’s exhausting. We’re in a constant state of low-battery mode and we’re not sure how to charge the thing.

One problem is we totally misunderstand how our brains work. Continue reading “How to Recharge Your Life Battery Through Stoicism”

How to Become Successful- Stop Blaming and Start Swimming

We all want to be successful. Life is inherently unfair and hard work isn’t always the determining factor in where we end up. Sometimes you work harder than the person next to you and they’re the ones who get the job. The world can be a cold mistress.

So what do we do, assuming we weren’t born with a silver spoon? This will border on being a controversial statement, but hear me out: Stop blaming society for your problems.

It’s not your fault, but you may as well take responsibility. Continue reading “How to Become Successful- Stop Blaming and Start Swimming”

Becoming Professor Chaos- Why I Lie to Myself Every Day

I lie to myself a lot. I’m an honest person, more or less, but I frequently lie to myself because it helps me cope. Don’t worry, I will explain.

Some people are great at the type of self-talk where they bully themselves into submission. “You WILL eat these vegetables!!” they’ll say as they force another Brussels sprout into their mouths. Others go the opposite extreme where they make an excuse for themselves at every turn. “It’s okay, you don’t need to exercise today. You’ve had a hard week, you deserve some ice cream instead.” A lot of us don’t fall into either of these categories. We require a little more nuance to our self-talk.  Might I suggest my personal preference? I prefer to lie. Continue reading “Becoming Professor Chaos- Why I Lie to Myself Every Day”

Doing the Things- How to Get Going When You’ve Lost Motivation

I recently took a several month hiatus away from doing most of the healthy things I normally do.  Towards the end of Mrs. Burrito Bowl’s pregnancy I had a pretty good routine of getting to the gym, shaving occasionally, intermittent fasting five days per week, drinking apple cider vinegar for some reason, Wim Hof breathing and making sure to end my showers with a minute or two of cold exposure. After Baby Burrito Bowl came into the mix most of those healthy routines stopped. Here’s a picture of her for no reason other than she’s super cute. Continue reading “Doing the Things- How to Get Going When You’ve Lost Motivation”

Redefining Success and Chasing FI- The Boat vs. The Shore

Success is a Gold Boat

A lot of us go through our lives feeling unhappy.  Much of our unhappiness stems from not feeling successful enough.  We don’t make enough money and we don’t have nice enough things.  People never want our autograph unless we’re buying something from them.  In short, we’re worried we don’t measure up, and it leaves us feeling unfulfilled.  A lot goes into feeling unsuccessful.

Part of our unhappiness comes from comparing ourselves to others, and part comes from chasing the wrong things.  What actually makes us happy, and what we chase, are too often very different.

In order to fix this we need to do something.  Two somethings, actually.  One, we need to stop comparing ourselves to others.  Two, we need to start chasing the right things. Continue reading “Redefining Success and Chasing FI- The Boat vs. The Shore”

Life is Short- Spend for Today vs. Save for Tomorrow

Life is Short- Spend for Today vs. Save for Tomorrow

Can you believe how much of your life has already passed?  F-word, man. Summer has for sure faded and we’re smack dab in the middle of fall.  This time of year always gets me thinking, usually about random stuff like the eternal expanse of space or wondering what the ancient Egyptians were really like but sometimes I think about money questions.  Questions like should we be in camp spend for today or camp save for tomorrow?  Tomorrow isn’t guaranteed and life passes us by at breakneck speeds, even if we are lucky enough to make it to this mythical tomorrow. Continue reading “Life is Short- Spend for Today vs. Save for Tomorrow”

How to be the CEO of YOU, INC.

Think of your body as a company and each of your emotions and character traits is a separate employee.  Some are great like your internal motivation.  Many are not so great like your tendency to procrastinate.  A few aren’t really good or bad like your propensity to use big words to sound smart even though you’re not exactly sure what propensity means.  People can see right through that sort of thing.

The problem is all these emotions and general character traits battle each other for dominance within your mind and body.  What you need is a good leader to keep them all in line… Continue reading “How to be the CEO of YOU, INC.”

How to Turn Your Weaknesses into Strengths and Become the Person You Want to Be

What kind of person are you? 

The question itself is kind of ridiculous because it assumes the type of person you are is fixed.  We always describe ourselves in fixed ways.  I’m not very good at math or I have terrible handwriting or I’m unorganized.  These characteristics feel like they’re written in stone.  They feel fixed like there is no way to change them.

Really our characteristics are more carved in a glacier than they are carved in stone.  The ice is constantly changing but the change feels so slow that we often don’t recognize it.  If we change the way we view the question then we can change the type of person we view ourselves to be.   Continue reading “How to Turn Your Weaknesses into Strengths and Become the Person You Want to Be”

Ten Years From Now You May as Well Be Ten Years Ahead

Welcome to 2028!  What Have You Been Up to These Last Ten Years?

The next ten years are going to pass at warp speed.  Remember ten years ago?  It was 2008.  Obama was preaching hope and change, Donald Trump was doing questionable things on a much smaller stage, all of America’s houses were drastically changing in pretend value.  The New York Giants were good at football. Life happens fast.

Ten years is a long time, long enough that you can accomplish just about anything.  If you decided to put in the work you could become a black belt in Jiu-jitsu in the next ten years.  A business you start this year would be celebrating it’s tenth anniversary.  You could be massively in debt from purchases you no longer enjoy.  You could be retired. Continue reading “Ten Years From Now You May as Well Be Ten Years Ahead”

Easy 4-Day Gym Rotation to Help You Impress Strangers and Kids

Are you tired of being approached in malls and grocery stores and asked if you want to be a shirtless star in an upcoming Christmas calendar only to find out later they just wanted you to BUY an upcoming Christmas calendar that somebody else starred in? Does your son or daughter always find an excuse to NOT dress up as YOU for Super Hero day at school?  We’ve all been there.  The problem isn’t that these are unrealistic goals. The problem is you aren’t sticking with an easy to follow gym rotation. Continue reading “Easy 4-Day Gym Rotation to Help You Impress Strangers and Kids”