February Recap and March Goals

Fire. That title is straight fire. February recap and March goals. If that doesn’t get your blood flowing I don’t know what will. What’s this article going to be about? I like to keep my readers guessing. Okay, fine. This post is going to be about what happened in February AND what my goals are for March. Continue reading “February Recap and March Goals”

A Month Without- Finding Happiness by Being Miserable

I recently went on the personal vision quest where I went a month without alcohol. It was less fun than you might imagine. But, having that month in the rear-view has made me reflect fondly on the lessons it taught me. The most important lesson being not to commit to being sober for a month when you’re three drinks into the night.

Now that I’m allowed to drink again I think the month of sobriety was good stoicism training. The whole thing got me thinking: What else makes me happy that I can cut out for a month at a time? Continue reading “A Month Without- Finding Happiness by Being Miserable”