February Recap and March Goals


Fire. That title is straight fire. February recap and March goals. If that doesn’t get your blood flowing I don’t know what will. What’s this article going to be about? I like to keep my readers guessing. Okay, fine. This post is going to be about what happened in February AND what my goals are for March.

If you didn’t read my January recap, well, that’s just no good. The key takeaway is January was rough. February was much better. I mean, the stock market started to crash, coronavirus continued being a thing, and we all got one month closer to death, but at least I could drink alcohol in February.

What’s up with these random goals?

This year I want to do something hard every month. I wrote a whole thing about it. In January, I had the goal of not drinking alcohol. It was awful. In February, I had the goal of working out every day and also not eating ice cream. My workout goal fell flat because our family got hit with a wicked cold that flattened me for about ten days.

I did get back into the habit of going to the gym, which was the purpose of the goal, so I kind of succeeded. Not eating ice cream all month wasn’t initially a goal of mine but after I realized we were halfway through the month and I hadn’t had any yet I figured it would be a good goal to have.

Side note: It became much harder to not eat ice cream after I made it a conscious goal to not eat ice cream. Humans, man.

In March I plan to limit my phone use.

I’m keeping track of my overall screen time each day with the goal of using it less and less as the month goes by. The goal being by the end of the month I’m less inclined to pick up my phone.

During the last week of February, my average screen time was 3 hours and 21 minutes per day. Yikes. My entire screen time for the week was  23 hours and 30 minutes. Almost an entire day was spent looking at my phone. The week before I was at 22 hours and 42 minutes total and the week before that I was at 21 hours 14 minutes.

To be fair, some of that is from leaving my screen unlocked when I’m listening to podcasts or something. It’s not ALL just me staring blankly at a screen. At least six or seven minutes of that time was just me not locking my phone after selecting a podcast. Honest.

I also averaged picking my phone up around 75 times per day during February.

Side Note: One week I was within two total pickups of the previous week. That data is neither here nor there but it’s kind of fun.  

It turns out I’m not alone. I did a Twitter poll, as I am want to do, and you guys are ALSO addicted to your phones.


Only ten of the sixty-eight voters were on their phones less than 10 hours per week. Several of those people commented that they accidentally voted wrong because they thought this was per day, not per week. So basically we all need to put down our phones and seek the Lord’s guidance.

Related: Why Your Phone is Making You Kind of Sad

Intermittent Fasting In Earnest

In March I want to get my intermittent fasting really back on track. I generally have been waiting until noon to eat but I’m drinking coffee with coconut cream in it because coffee is a wonderful gift from the Lord and coconut cream makes it much better.

Black coffee is kind of depressing. But, it’s not really intermittent fasting if I consume calories from coconut cream. It’s probably better than nothing, but it’s not ideal.

In March I want to get back to consuming zero calories until at least noon, preferably a little after.

This means it’s black coffee to start the day. Because I’m not a fan of black coffee but I am a huge lover of coffee, in general, this is quite the sacrifice. I’m hoping by forcing myself to be strict to start the day it keeps my healthy eating going throughout.

Speaking of which…

I also plan to be a pretty healthy eater in March.

I’m typing this while eating Sun Chips and guacamole so I don’t have super high hopes for this one. The main goal is the reduction of screen time on my phone followed by a more strict intermittent fasting routine.

I will eat pretty healthy, just not super healthy. I also plan to keep the gym sessions going from February.

What are your goals for March?

This article was really short. Read a few of these articles so you stay on the site longer and Google ranks my page higher. Also, you might like them.

How to Participate in the American Election Without Being a Bad Guy

On God Part X- What if Fundamentalist Christians are Right?!

Free-Range Morality- What’s the Deal with Eggs?

Author: MrBurritoBowl

Mr. Burrito Bowl is a 34-year-old man from Whitefish, Montana who likes to draw stick figures and say things that sometimes relate to finances, but not always.

2 thoughts on “February Recap and March Goals”

  1. You really have an awesome writing style, just had to say that. Let’s see, March goals. Catch a bass weighing over eight pounds, win over half of my team tennis matches, and continue to not have a job! Those are hard too, eight pound bass don’t grow on trees. The job one is a no brained!

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