Thailand FI- Bridging the Gap Between Zero and FIRE

May I introduce to you a new concept? Beaches. Sand. Questionable water pressure. Coconuts. Loosely enforced electrical codes. Intrigued? I’m talking, of course, about the very fancy concept of Thailand Fi. Continue reading “Thailand FI- Bridging the Gap Between Zero and FIRE”

Financial Independence and the Art of Travel Hacking

Hi friends, today we have our first ever guest post here on Burrito Bowl Diaries! Hooray! Erica Schatte is a world traveler and renowned story teller. She's funny and real great. She's also Mrs. Burrito Bowl's sister.  

I've been trying to convince Erica to do a guest post for months now.  She's a travel hacking aficionado and a wizard with credit cards. She will also tell you who to start on your fantasy football team.  A jack of all trades this one.  

Erica is the person who first introduced Mrs. Burrito Bowl and myself to the idea of travel hacking and even early retirement.  Thanks to her we were able to travel to Thailand on our honeymoon for nearly free. Come to think of it I should probably write an article about that. In this article she'll give an overview on how she does travels all over the world and how you can too.  

Continue reading “Financial Independence and the Art of Travel Hacking”

The Work Hard Play Hard Mindset vs. Chasing FI

Work Hard Play Hard

I have a great friend who is really good at making money.  He’s not an overnight success or the inventor of some app that set him up for life. Instead, working hard and being willing to take risks is a calling card for him. He works long hours and is always looking for the next step to lead him to success.  Over the last few years I’ve watched him and his wife move companies and countries in order to climb the career ladder.  Each step has gotten them closer to where they want to be financially.

I see pictures of him and his wife eating out at nice restaurants, drinking fancy coffee, or having a cocktail in some seriously kick-ass locations around the world.  He’s living the life. Work hard.  Play hard. Continue reading “The Work Hard Play Hard Mindset vs. Chasing FI”