On God Part V.II- Heaven, Hell and the Mind-numbing Prospect of Eternity

This is On God Part V.II, confusingly enough. Initially, Part V was just one mega-post, but considering nobody gives a shit about this blog, it felt too long. That being said, it’s now broken up into two only semi-long posts. This one is mostly about eternity. I think eternity is real fun in a bizarre and horrifying type of way. Forever will happen whether we’re around for it or not.

So, for On God Part V.II, I want to explore eternity. Remember from Part V.I, for this post, the Bible is 100% true. Typically people argue the individual points in the Bible- “Jesus walked on water!” “No, he didn’t!” But today I just want to accept the puzzle pieces laid out by mainstream Christianity and put them together from there. Then we can think about eternity for a few minutes.

Let’s get to it. Continue reading “On God Part V.II- Heaven, Hell and the Mind-numbing Prospect of Eternity”

On God Part V.I- Heaven, Hell and the Mind-Numbing Prospect of Eternity

Today I want to talk about what happens after we die. You might be wondering why I’m even talking about what happens after we die since On God Part III is all about the afterlife. Your question is noted and ignored. This post is ALSO about the afterlife, but totally different. Here I’ll concentrate on who makes it into heaven, who gets sent to hell, and the mind-numbing prospect of eternity.

The mind-numbing prospect of eternity section will have to wait for On God Part V.II because this post ballooned to over 5,000 words, so I decided to break it up. This is Part I of a two-part post, which is already Part V of a larger rabbit hole I’m taking from my usual topics, which already can best be described as rabbit holes. Thanks for being readers of my financial blog, you guys. Continue reading “On God Part V.I- Heaven, Hell and the Mind-Numbing Prospect of Eternity”

On God Part IV- God Sends Jesus to Die for Our Sins

I always have mixed feelings when I put something out there about my faith. I come from a long line of Christian men and women. For a lot of the people in my family faith isn’t just one aspect of life, it’s the only thing that matters. I grew up attending countless church services and always had a close relationship with Jesus. As I grew up I started to have questions about some of the stories in the Bible. I didn’t so much doubt THAT they happened, but I questioned WHY they happened. 

One of my favorite things in life is contemplating the religion I grew up with. I can’t emphasize enough how large of a focus Christianity was to my upbringing. This series is fun and cathartic for me, but I also can’t help but feel a little guilty for how it might make some people feel. I’m not purposefully being a smug little shit with the way I depict the characters. But, I don’t want to tiptoe around some of my doubts. I aim to hold a light up to them. If there’s no monster in the closet, that’s not on me. 

Please note: If the below cartoons are likely to offend you please consider not being offended by cartoons. This is meant to be funny and thought-provoking, not disrespectful and offensive.

Several years ago God looked down on the world and was super not into what he saw. People were sinning and killing animals to pay for the sins and it was all a bit much. He had already promised to not flood the world again so he had to think of a better way to get people to start behaving. Long story short, Jesus came to Earth to pay for our sins, and I have a lot of thoughts about that. Continue reading “On God Part IV- God Sends Jesus to Die for Our Sins”

On God Part III- What Happens in the Afterlife?

I don’t know what happens when we die. Darkness? Golden staircases? Elephants with lots of arms? The possibilities are intriguing. Depending on what part of the globe you’re standing on, you’ll get some radically different guesses on what encompasses the afterlife. It’s possible that everything you currently think is correct, and everyone else is wrong. It’s also possible that the way you think the world works is so far off-base that you’re basically just wasting your life being wrong 100% of the time. Exciting, huh?

Oh, this is Part III of my On God series, BTW. You can read Part I  and Part II here.

The point is, nobody really REALLY knows what happens when we die. I distrust people whose pie chart of belief on the afterlife is all one color. Continue reading “On God Part III- What Happens in the Afterlife?”

On God Part II- God Floods the World

This is the second post in my newest series ‘On God’. Part I can be found here, if you missed that.

Part II is the story of when God floods the world. What was going through God’s mind as it was happening? It was bad news for pretty much everyone, but most Christians don’t really seem to mind it. The flood is one of my favorite Bible stories because it’s so horrifying AND improbable, but people seem to just be totally okay with it.

Could God really do that? Is it morally acceptable for him to do it just because he’s God? If it IS morally acceptable, man, is there anything God could do that wouldn’t be morally acceptable? I have lots of questions. Continue reading “On God Part II- God Floods the World”