How to Make Your Own Kombucha…Wait, Come Back

You might erroneously think you don’t need to learn how to make your own kombucha.  You might also think the moon landing was faked.  Point is, it’s hard to know what things are important to learn.  Here’s a helpful scientific quiz we’ve developed to see if this article is for you.

Are you tired of ending the day with a nice microbrew that leaves you feeling satisfied and less irritable?  Does your wife and/or girlfriend continually harangue you for not spending more time making flavored beverages using bacteria and peaches?  Are you a person who gets thirsty from time to time?  If you answered ‘Yes’ to any of the above then this article is for you. Continue reading “How to Make Your Own Kombucha…Wait, Come Back”

A Bunch of Weird Things We’re Doing to Be Healthy

Mrs. Burrito Bowl and I do a lot of weird things in the pursuit of overall health and fitness.  I wouldn’t have thought any of these things are particularly strange but I can tell from the look on people’s faces when I explain my morning salt water cocktail, or drinking bone broth for lunch, that they have questions.

I thought it would be fun to have a running list of oddities that we’re trying in our pursuit for immortality.  Without further adieu, here’s a list of healthy people stuff we’ve got going on these days.

Side Note: We are legitimately pretty healthy so you should look into doing some of these things.

Continue reading “A Bunch of Weird Things We’re Doing to Be Healthy”