A Bunch of Weird Things We’re Doing to Be Healthy

Mrs. Burrito Bowl and I do a lot of weird things in the pursuit of overall health and fitness.  I wouldn’t have thought any of these things are particularly strange but I can tell from the look on people’s faces when I explain my morning salt water cocktail, or drinking bone broth for lunch, that they have questions.

I thought it would be fun to have a running list of oddities that we’re trying in our pursuit for immortality.  Without further adieu, here’s a list of healthy people stuff we’ve got going on these days.

Side Note: We are legitimately pretty healthy so you should look into doing some of these things.

Continue reading “A Bunch of Weird Things We’re Doing to Be Healthy”

How to Reduce Your Anxiety for Free- My Favorite Life Hack

“Mr Burrito Bowl, I’m stressed out.  Can you give me any life advice?”- Millions of people

Yes I can.  In the words of the legendary Iceman, Wim Hof, “Breathe motherf*cker.”   I use Wim Hof’s breathing protocol every single day.  Overall, his breathing method is a stress and anxiety reducer.  He couples his breathing with cold exposure and meditation for a powerful 1-2-3 punch.

The barrier for entry is practically zero, you just have to breathe.  It’s harder to get people on board with the cold showers and meditation, but if I could convince the masses of one thing, it would be take ten minutes everyday and do his breathing exercise. Continue reading “How to Reduce Your Anxiety for Free- My Favorite Life Hack”

Mr. Burrito Bowl Answers 10 Questions From 1500 Days

Hi friends, have you heard of Mr. and Mrs. 1500 of 1500days.com?  Well, you are in luck because I’m about to introduce you to them.  They run a great Financial Independence website we’ve been following for a few years.  Keep their name in mind because it will come into play real soon.

The reason you’re all here is we have some exciting news. Remember that blog I told you about at the beginning? You know the one.  I was just talking about it only a sentence or two ago.  Well, we were featured in it!  The world famous 1500 days blog let us do their 10 Questions Guest Post.  We were really honored to be part of it because Mr. and Mrs. 1500 are funny people and we’ve read their blog for a long time. Continue reading “Mr. Burrito Bowl Answers 10 Questions From 1500 Days”

How to Breathe Away Anxiety

Wim Hof is an eccentric guy from the Netherlands.  He’s real charismatic and developed a breathing exercise that helped him cope with the death of his wife.  I tell people about his breathing exercise almost every day.  People rarely actually follow through and do it, but when they do they call me and say things like, “Holy s*** I just did the Wim Hof thing. You weren’t joking that was awesome.”

“Mr Burrito Bowl, I’m stressed out.  Can you give me any life advice?”- Millions of people

Yes I can.  In the words of the legendary Iceman, Wim Hof, “Breathe motherf*cker.”  If you are uncomfortable with swearing please feel free to mentally insert **** <– these guys over some of the letters until you’re comfortable.  I don’t swear often so don’t worry too much about it.

Wim Hof is an eccentric guy from the Netherlands.  He’s real charismatic and developed a breathing exercise that helped him cope with the death of his wife.  I tell people about his breathing exercise almost every day.  People rarely actually follow through and do it, but when they do they call me and say things like, “Holy s*** I just did the Wim Hof thing. You weren’t joking that was awesome.”

I tell myself to breathe in Wim’s charming accent at least 13 times a day.  It helps me to center myself and find calm in the storms of life.  Mostly it’s just fun to do breathing exercises and then see how long I can hold my breath.   To do this, you breathe in deep and let go thirty times. Then, on the last exhale, hold your breath. Once you find you need to breathe again, after a minute or so, breathe in deep and hold that for 15-seconds.  Repeat this cycle three times.

Actually, you should probably just watch the Wim Hof Breathing Technique before you try this.  Also don’t do this while in water because you might pass out and die. And probably don’t do it while driving or else your wife will get upset with you. Other than that, have at it.

There’s a great documentary from VICE about Wim Hof and his breathing and cold exposure techniques.  He’s a real interesting character.  It’s well worth the 30 minutes it takes to watch this.

Wim Hof Vice Documentary

Also, take cold showers or generally expose yourself to the cold as often as you can.  It increases your brown fat and is a real healthy kick in the pants.  The featured image here is of my dad and I in Montana.  It was like 0 degrees outside and he wasted all that free cold exposure by covering up his skin.  Hopefully he’ll read this blog so that he can get all the benefits of cold exposure too.

This breathing protocol mixed with cold exposure afterward is a great technique to rid yourself of unwanted anxiety.  If you enjoy feeling anxious and depressed, don’t do this breathing exercise.  If you combine the breathing technique with cold exposure… man, you’ll just feel really great.

Any other advice?

Yes, grow your own sprouts.  It’s really easy to do and they are great for you.  You can buy the seeds on Amazon by clicking this link that says: Broccoli Sprouts. 

And yes, by now you’ve probably figured out that I am aware of how to link things.  You’re not dealing with your pool hall friends with this blog, we have links.


A Bunch of Weird Things We’re Doing to Be Healthy

How to Reduce Your Anxiety for Free- My Favorite Life Hack

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