It’s Only Heavy if You Pick it Up

We’re now a few weeks into the American-wing of the Coronavirus. New York is already feeling the effects of overcrowded hospitals and healthcare workers on the front lines are reporting how dire the situation really is. We seem helpless to stop the overcrowding from reaching every major city. To say our collective hearts and minds are heavy is an enormous understatement.

Over three million people applied for unemployment in the first week of the Coronavirus lockdown—a record that dwarfs any other week in American history—and the stock market fell over 30% in like two days. Many people lost their jobs, their retirement, and a loved one in the span of a week.

Suffice to say, anxiety over the future seems to be at an all-time high. Continue reading “It’s Only Heavy if You Pick it Up”

Staying Mentally and Physically Fit During Social Isolation

Well, March has been a real shit show. We thought January was a terrible month then March said, “Hold my Coronavirus.” The entire planet is supposed to be practicing social isolation so we don’t infect each other but most of our parents rotate between pulling their cash out of the bank like it’s 1945 and thinking this is all some hoax from the democrats.

The whole thing is kind of an introvert’s dream, but also I don’t like being told what to do. Either way, we seem to all be stuck being homebodies for the next few weeks. Continue reading “Staying Mentally and Physically Fit During Social Isolation”

How to Recharge Your Life Battery Through Stoicism

A lot of us live our lives in a never-ending battle to keep it together. It feels like we’re being pulled in multiple directions and, frankly, it’s exhausting. We’re in a constant state of low-battery mode and we’re not sure how to charge the thing.

One problem is we totally misunderstand how our brains work. Continue reading “How to Recharge Your Life Battery Through Stoicism”

How to Live Life One Old Kodak Slide at a Time

Some of my fondest childhood memories were watching old photographs come to life in my grandpa’s 35mm Kodak 650h projector. Each slide started with a satisfying click of the reel then finished with a story from decades ago.

We’d make popcorn and drink sweet tea or Coke while we all sat around and listened in rapt attention. Each slide was a new world. A different life. One locked away in a grainy 35mm slide forgotten by time, waiting to be reborn on a bumpy wall in Kalispell, Montana. Continue reading “How to Live Life One Old Kodak Slide at a Time”

Being There- How to Enjoy the Now

It’s Monday morning. We didn’t sleep great last night and I’m especially foggy today. As I made my second cup of coffee I stared out the window at the traffic lights whizzing by in the dark. The moon was bright and I could still see stars. This was not the sort of time of day people are supposed to be up.

I felt the coming stress of the day creep in. It’s my day to watch June while Mrs. Burrito Bowl works. Whether I have the energy or not, I’m daddy today. Being there for her is a must. I have to take care of her needs regardless of my mood, energy, or stress levels. Continue reading “Being There- How to Enjoy the Now”