How to be Willfully Ignorant and DESTROY Your Opponents

This post started out about evolution but, due to natural selection, morphed into a post about evolution, politics, and how in-group thinking hijacks our free will and makes us robots who think just like everyone around us, but we feel really individual about it. I expect it to do very poorly in terms of shares as people have routinely shown me they are disinterested in these types of posts. Let’s jump to it.

The lesson to take away from this article is, “Hey man, let’s give people the respect of trying to understand their claim before we argue with them.” If you can internalize that you don’t really need to read the rest of it.

Wait, come back. Continue reading “How to be Willfully Ignorant and DESTROY Your Opponents”

PSA: Don’t Stop for Pedestrians in the Middle of the Goddamn Highway

Listen, we need to talk. This public service announcement might go against Southern hospitality laws, but hear me out: If you’re driving on a busy road with fast-moving traffic DO NOT STOP for pedestrians. A lot of people think they’re being nice by stopping. You’re not. You’re putting people’s lives in danger. If I could strangle you with your own stupid seatbelt I would.

Don’t be polite on the highway, be predictable.

Continue reading “PSA: Don’t Stop for Pedestrians in the Middle of the Goddamn Highway”

Free-Range Morality- What’s the Deal with Eggs?

What kind of chicken eggs does everyone buy? I’ve been thinking about eggs because last time I was in the grocery store there were 47 different versions for sale and I feel like some of them were made up. There were pasture-raised, free-range, organic, ethically treated, verbally abused, vegetarian-fed, cage-free, farm-fresh and even white eggs. It’s a pretty overwhelming process trying to figure out which version of this breakfast staple most closely defines me as a person.

Here’s the thing: I want to buy eggs from the most well-treated chickens on the planet. Maybe not the most well-treated, but at least from chickens that aren’t treated really poorly.

But, here’s also the thing: I don’t want to be taken for a ride by some bullshit chicken egg marketing campaign designed to trick hippies and liberals into paying more for the same product.

What’s a conscientious frugal egg-buying blogger to do? Continue reading “Free-Range Morality- What’s the Deal with Eggs?”

Santa Claus- How to Make Poor Kids Feel Like Shit

Today I want to briefly discuss gift-giving through Santa Claus. You know the drill. It’s Christmas time. That means breakable ornaments, questionable music, and Santa. Also Jesus, but we’ll get to that in the next post. This post is about Santa. Continue reading “Santa Claus- How to Make Poor Kids Feel Like Shit”

Confirmation Bias- How to be Stupid and Proud of It

“Confirmation Bias is a hell of a drug.”- Mr. Burrito Bowl


confirmation bias

confirmation bias

confirmation bias

There’s a movement by the intellectual elitists happening right now. They climb down from their ivory league towers and say condescending nonsense like, “You guys should look at all the facts before making a decision.” Wow. It must be nice to have the time and/or inclination to look at facts before choosing sides of an issue. Insufferable.

For a long time, I tried to be one of them. I tried to be objective and not form opinions based on feelings but rather on logic. Being an intellectually honest observer was hard. The sweater vests were too hot and I always felt like I was stuck on the sidelines. I’d see the rational points of each camp instead of blindly hollering into the void. It was miserable. After giving up this life I’ve never felt better. If you’re someone who enjoys critical thinking, please, give confirmation bias a try. Continue reading “Confirmation Bias- How to be Stupid and Proud of It”

The Spectrum of Belief and the Circle of Influence

Today I want to talk about the spectrum of belief, the circle of influence, and how those two interact to move our society forward. If you feel tempted to Google those phrases, don’t bother. I made them up only to later realize they already exist. No matter.

This is a political post, so if you’d rather me not touch the sacred grounds of politics, maybe read one of these articles instead

Anyway, without offending anyone…

Let’s talk about why the left kind of sucks

Continue reading “The Spectrum of Belief and the Circle of Influence”

Gender-Neutral Restrooms- How to Ruin a Good Idea

Today’s article tackles the subject of gender-neutral restrooms. This is a serious issue that I’m attempting to honestly work through. I’ll do my best to convey the pros and cons of each viewpoint without resorting to strawman arguments. In today’s uber political climate nuance is not always appreciated, so I can only assume many people will be upset by this article simply for my attempt to see both sides fairly. Such is life.

As always I attempt to bring some levity to the article so please do your best not to be offended. If you find yourself offended please read the entire article before casting judgment. Once you’ve done that feel free to lob any and all complaints my way via Twitter @MrBurritoBowl or in the comments.

I also venture into the cold, unforgiving waters of discussing concerns for safety with concerns over the treatment of the transgender community. I’m sure that will go super well for me.

Anyway. Let’s get to it. Continue reading “Gender-Neutral Restrooms- How to Ruin a Good Idea”

How to Write a Blog Post- from a Real Life Blogger

This is me. I blog. I am a blogger, kind of.

I’m sure someone out there is wondering what it’s like to be a real blogger. We might seem unapproachable because of our celebrity like standing in the community, but I wanted to pull back the curtain and reveal what it’s really like.

The first step for being a blogger is to make content. That’s what this post is all about. It’s a post about what it’s like to make a blog post. Continue reading “How to Write a Blog Post- from a Real Life Blogger”

Indigo: A Champion is Crowned- Recap, Reaction, Retweet

“Less than ten seconds to go. Indigo on the outside with Turquoise driving in late for a desperation shot. And that’s the buzzer! Indigo Wins, Indigo wins! Unbelievable! This crowd is on their feet at the sold-out Burrito Bowl Arena. Turquoise looks exhausted. I can’t believe it. Indigo is your 2019 Best Color in the World Tournament Challenge Champion! A champion has been crowned!- Mr. Burrito Bowl, on his couch, alone in a dark room. 


Continue reading “Indigo: A Champion is Crowned- Recap, Reaction, Retweet”