How to Be Proud of Yourself and Why It’s Important

Are You Proud of Yourself? 

Just in general.  If you’re not right now, I hope you will be by the end of this article.  Being proud of myself has always been a little bit of a struggle.  I wanted to celebrate my accomplishments, but I didn’t want to come across as boastful.  

It’s taken me a long time to get to the point where I am proud of myself and I feel good about it.  I used to feel a slight twinge of guilt start to creep in when I would contemplate self-pride.  I was raised to not be boastful.  The phrase “Pride cometh before a fall,” was etched into my subconscious from an early age.  Because of this I always had a knee jerk reaction against being overly proud of myself.   Continue reading “How to Be Proud of Yourself and Why It’s Important”

5 Steps to Stop Being a Chronically Late Person

Before we really get into it, I don’t know if these steps will actually work or not.  I’ll just be upfront about that.  I don’t know if these steps will work because I already show up to places on f*cking time.  I have no way of testing these steps because I don’t need these steps.  But if you’re someone who is chronically late this will benefit you.

An unsettling amount of my family is chronically late.  Ironically, there is probably at least one or two relatives of Mr. Burrito Bowl, reading this post just real quick, right now, before they head out the door.  They will inevitably be late for whatever they were supposed to be at. Continue reading “5 Steps to Stop Being a Chronically Late Person”

How to Reduce Your Anxiety for Free- My Favorite Life Hack

“Mr Burrito Bowl, I’m stressed out.  Can you give me any life advice?”- Millions of people

Yes I can.  In the words of the legendary Iceman, Wim Hof, “Breathe motherf*cker.”   I use Wim Hof’s breathing protocol every single day.  Overall, his breathing method is a stress and anxiety reducer.  He couples his breathing with cold exposure and meditation for a powerful 1-2-3 punch.

The barrier for entry is practically zero, you just have to breathe.  It’s harder to get people on board with the cold showers and meditation, but if I could convince the masses of one thing, it would be take ten minutes everyday and do his breathing exercise. Continue reading “How to Reduce Your Anxiety for Free- My Favorite Life Hack”

Mr. Burrito Bowl Answers 10 Questions From 1500 Days

Hi friends, have you heard of Mr. and Mrs. 1500 of  Well, you are in luck because I’m about to introduce you to them.  They run a great Financial Independence website we’ve been following for a few years.  Keep their name in mind because it will come into play real soon.

The reason you’re all here is we have some exciting news. Remember that blog I told you about at the beginning? You know the one.  I was just talking about it only a sentence or two ago.  Well, we were featured in it!  The world famous 1500 days blog let us do their 10 Questions Guest Post.  We were really honored to be part of it because Mr. and Mrs. 1500 are funny people and we’ve read their blog for a long time. Continue reading “Mr. Burrito Bowl Answers 10 Questions From 1500 Days”

In a World Full of Plants…Be a Weed

In a World Full of Plants…Be a Weed.

We can learn a lot about resiliency from weeds.  In life, things are going to go wrong.  The people around you will forget to water you.  Some people will even try to stomp you out.  We live in a world that’s ready to be offended at the drop of a hat, a world where people get their feelings hurt if someone disagrees with their opinion.

When plant like people hear this type of negativity they let it envelop them.  They wilt away and quit trying.  When weed people hear that same negative talk they just keep on keeping on.  Weeds don’t give a f*ck what negative people think about their goals and dreams. Continue reading “In a World Full of Plants…Be a Weed”

The Work Hard Play Hard Mindset vs. Chasing FI

Work Hard Play Hard

I have a great friend who is really good at making money.  He’s not an overnight success or the inventor of some app that set him up for life. Instead, working hard and being willing to take risks is a calling card for him. He works long hours and is always looking for the next step to lead him to success.  Over the last few years I’ve watched him and his wife move companies and countries in order to climb the career ladder.  Each step has gotten them closer to where they want to be financially.

I see pictures of him and his wife eating out at nice restaurants, drinking fancy coffee, or having a cocktail in some seriously kick-ass locations around the world.  He’s living the life. Work hard.  Play hard. Continue reading “The Work Hard Play Hard Mindset vs. Chasing FI”

The Snowball Effect of Life Optimization – How to Start The Snowball

If you’re unfamiliar with the term “Snowball Effect” it basically means something that starts off small and insignificant snowballs into the next thing until eventually you’ve got an avalanche of momentum.  The snowball effect of life optimization is just that.  It starts off with small changes that snowball into a better life.   

It can be overwhelming to know where to start on the path to living a better, more purposeful, life.  You know there are countless changes you should be making.  Eat healthier, exercise more, save more money, learn to invest, drink less alcohol, stop poking baristas in the eye that pronounce your name wrong, the list can seem endless.   Continue reading “The Snowball Effect of Life Optimization – How to Start The Snowball”

The 5 Most Important Life Lessons I’ve Learned Shooting Water Up My Nose

In early 2017 I had nasal surgery to remove a golf ball sized polyp from my sinuses.  From now on I have to irrigate my nasal passages once per day, everyday.  Being forced to be consistent in this routine has taught me many valuable life lessons.  Here are the 5 most important lessons I’ve learned shooting water up my nose. Continue reading “The 5 Most Important Life Lessons I’ve Learned Shooting Water Up My Nose”

7 Things I do Every Morning to Avoid Decision Fatigue

Decision fatigue can mentally exhaust us before we even leave the house. Here are 7 things I do every morning to avoid decision fatigue and ensure a good start to my day.

The Importance of Morning Routines

As a young lad I had no set morning routine.  My alarm would go off and I would lay there trying to figure out what my first move would be. Well, my first move after hitting the snooze button, several times.

I remember it being so hard to wake up early.  SO HARD. It didn’t really matter what hour ‘early’ fell into.  If I needed an alarm it counted as early and it was hard.

In retrospect I may have been slightly traumatized from being woken up early by my father bursting open my bedroom, turning on the lights and hollering loud enough for the neighbors across the meadow to hear, “Rise and shine, big boy.” Continue reading “7 Things I do Every Morning to Avoid Decision Fatigue”